Of course I do. The name of this site pretty much clues you in on
the fact that I am a coffee junkie. Not just a caffeine addict-
although I am that too. Big difference from Coke and Coffee, though.
Coffee is refined. It is grown and ground and brewed. Coke or Pepsi-
well, they're just a bunch of chemicals mixed together for the masses.
No thanks.
following is my personal coffee history. A way to show you why I
am an addict of and intrigued by coffee and how it relates to this
web site:
first exposure to coffee was when I was about 5 years old. I grabbed
my Mom's mug and took a drink of coffee. Yuck! It was disgusting!
My Mom is a black coffee drinker and, can you imagine, a drink without
sugar for a kid? No way.
years I didn't drink a drop of the stuff. I was pretty much in the
attitude that it tasted bad and, besides, I was a Coca-Cola addict.
Why drink coffee when Coke is out there, eh?
years, I drank nothing but Coke. Mugs upon mugs of it. That is,
until I developed a very bad kidney infection. My doctor ordered
me to go off of Coke, claiming that was the main instigator of my
infection. So, never wanting to experience that pain again, I quit
drinking coke. I started drinking nothing but water and juice. An
amusing anecdote:
the time of the coke-induced kidney infection, I was working at
Burger King. (Yes, I was a high school drop-out with no future!
Imagine that.) I had told all of my co-workers that I had quit coke
and they fully supported me. However, as you may surmise, I was
heavily addicted to caffeine at the time. So, on my first day back
to work, I was in pretty bad shape. I needed a Coke in the worst
way. On my lunch break, I hightailed it all the way across town
to a little known convenience store. Once there, I bought a can
of coke and sucked it down as fast as I could. I was so addicted
that I would drive 6 miles away from work to sneak a coke. Sad,
but true. (To this day, I do not drink coke, except while in Mexico
where it's the only alternative to water.)
ways, back to coffee. Around the age of 16, I was going to a lot
ot moshes and raves. Well, afterwards, we would hit a diner called
"The North Hiway Cafe." We would get some breakfast at
3AM and this is when I really discovered coffee. The funny thing
is, North Hiway is a lot like the Double R, except that the waitresses
don't wear old fashioned uniforms. ;-)
my friends turned me on to coffee. They were all ordering coffee
and I was ordering lemonade. *L@me* I decided to try it again. I
ordered a cup and took a sip. Yuck! Didn't like it still. Yet, once
I added those two glorious elements, cream and sugar, I was good
to go. Heaven in a cup. (I don't know if people are aware, but greasy-spoon
diners often have the best coffee out there.)
that, I was always drinking coffee. Now, some naysayers might say
that coffee with cream and sugar isn't coffee. Hello. It's coffee.
Just coffee with a sweeter flavor. Still tastes like coffee, just
not as raw.
I was 19, I moved in with my best friend. We were both coffee junkies.
We were also Super Mario junkies. Also a couple of dirty smokers!
Bummer, our house was no smoking. :-( Well, we had a trapdoor in
the bathroom that led to a small basement. And since the basement
wasn't *really* the house, we smoked down there.
times, we would get into a raging Super Mario marathon, down in
the basement, where we would play The Lost Levels until we'd beat
it. It went on for nights. I say nights, because we both had day
jobs. Ew. Any ways, after work, we'd brew a pot o' coffee and chain
smoke, drink coffee and play Nintendo all night. Go to bed about
5AM and go to work. This went on as long as we lived together. *L*
As you can probably imagine, we drank a lot of coffee.
there's a little history. Now, we get to Twin Peaks. Well, I bought
the (Euro version) Pilot while working at Hastings. (Great discounts!)
As soon as I watched it, I was in heaven. I mean that. It affected
me like no show had ever done. (Not even Nothern Exposure, which
I absolutely love.) I was, for lack of a better word, riveted. All
my friends were like, WTF? *L* The end of the Euro version really
turned them off. Not me, though. I wanted more.
Christmas comes and my boyfriend buys me the set as a gift. (Now
my husband, he really regrets doing that.) I didn't watch them for
awhile, don't know why, but when I finally did, Wow, Bob, Wow! I
was blown away. I couldn't believe that this wonderful show wasn't
still on the air. In my diary, you'll read that I managed to catch
a couple of shows when they aired originally, but my Mom didn't
like Twin Peaks (Still doesn't.)
was as impressed by all the coffee drinking going on as the fantastic
writing and direction. To this day, I cannot watch Twin Peaks without
brewing coffee beforehand. And all the wonderful coffee quotes in
the show! Loved them! So, now you know why my Twin Peaks site is
so coffee infused. Hope I didn't bore you too much!