I just finished watching FWWM on TNT's MonsterVision with Joe Bob
Briggs. It was a terrible edit, but Twin Peaks, nonetheless. When
I watch FWWM, I feel compelled to write. To spill these emotions
on a page. For you, diary. FWWM is so different. It's so dark and
mysterious amnd powerful. Twin Peaks, the series, had all these
lighthearted moments that would keep you up, but FWWM sucks you
down into the pits of darkness. I sit here, listening to the FWWM
theme from the soundtrack and my spirit, my being is a shade or
two darker. A little red. A little blue.....
is so beautiful. Her triumphs, her struggles. The way she fights
on a day to day basis against Bob. He who has ruined her childhood,
her life and still wants to overcome her; to be her. To rip the
last shread of humanity out of her. The drugs she takes-cocaine,
marijuana, alcohol-all just to escape from reality. To delve deeper
into the unknown; hinge on insanity. Laura, who was once so sweet
and innocent becomes her enemy. Just so that he may leave her alone.
Hurting the people in her life tp defy him. Bobby, Donna, James.
Sliding into her world of prostitution, drugs and filth. Laura,
oh beauty in the trees, how did you make it so long? With all of
the rot and scum around you. How did you survive until then? The
The tangled web we all weave, Diary. Laura, sleeping with Bobby,
James, Leo, Jacques, Ben Horne, Bob, Ronette, and half the town.
Bobby sleeping with Shelley under Leo's nose. Laura sleeping with
Leo under Shelley's nose. What a web of sex and deception. Of misshapen
reality, clouded perception in so many minds. Temptation and love
and emotion. So very powerful.
Chet, Phillip, Judy, The Ring, The Blue Rose....where do they fit
into this sordid tale? What part of the lodge have they encountered;
fell into? Has Carl been there? What does he know? FWWM always raises
so many questions for me. Why does the simian say "Judy" towards
the end. The meeting; "Their Meeting." The boy behind the mask,
the simian behind the mask...Judy? The ring killed Teresa, the ring
killed Laura...did the ring kill Chet or did he simply dissapear?
Is Chet in the White Lodge, with the good folks? In the Black Lodge
with the LMFAP and the OAM? Good questions; kinda hard to get answersl,
What do you think, Peaksians? Drop me a line at
I'm always interested in seeing your theories.
Last, but not least. Laura's redeeming moments. Her finale...her
angel comes to her, Cooper is there. SO understanding. Relief and
joy and purity. White, white, white. Smile and laugh, Laura. Now
is *your* time.