Introduction to Palmer/Banks case:
9 A M., preparing to board Flight 210, commuter flight, 15 seater,
arriving in Spokane at 10:15 A.M. One meal, breakfast. Eggs, sausage,
toast, jam, juice and the usual coffee-scented hot water. What airlines
do to coffee shouldn’t happen to a dog, so I am packing a hot thermos
from the commissary."
number is: 11219er, you’ll have a copy of the file on your desk
by the time you receive this. Victim: seventeen year old white female,
dead, bound and wrapped in plastic. Cause of death- unknown. Says
here she was the Homecoming Queen. Second victim, discovered alive,
was found across the state line, which is why it’s our business
now. Suspects are in custody. Will assess their value upon arrival."
I understand the air is so clear out where I am going, that you
can see across two states when it’s not raining, which is most of
the time. So I’ve packed a pair of the business man’s friend, totes
for the feet."
been scanning active files for the region. Note-possible correlation
to a murder last year of one, Teresa Banks, in the southwest corner
of the state. Had all the trappings of a serial killing, except
for one- a second body. Maybe this is it. Teresa Banks died a year
ago, almost to the day."